- 䟆怎么读:bì bó
- 䟆字拼音:bi、bo
- 䟆的注音:ㄅ一ˋ ㄅㄛˊ
- 䟆的部首:走部
- 䟆的笔画:17画
- 䟆的笔顺:一丨一丨一ノ丶丨フ一一一丨丨一一丨
- 笔顺读写:横竖横竖横撇捺竖折横横横竖竖横横竖
- 䟆字中文解释:
- 英文翻译:to keep persons off the route of the emperor, when on tour, imperial halting-place, worship of th
𧱹(pu,pū) 赯(tang,táng) 𧹲(hu,hù) 𧹳(gan,gàn) 𧹴(xu huo,xù huò) 趨(qu cu,qū cù) 䞽(suo,suǒ) 䞾(chi,chí) 䞿(qian,qiān) 䟆(bi bo,bì bó) 𧽉(yan,yǎn) 𧽊(hai,hái) 𧽋(wu,wǔ) 𧽍(dian dian,diān diàn) 𧽎(yao,yáo) 𧽐(qian,qiān) 𧽑(ji,jí) 𧽒(xiong,xiòng) 𧽓(qi,qì) 𧽔(jun,jūn) 𧽖(hai,hái) 輽(fan,fàn)