- 䡅怎么读:mǐn xiǎn xún zhèn zuǎn chūn
- 䡅字拼音:min、xian、xun、zhen、zu
- 䡅的注音:ㄇ一ㄣˇ ㄒ一ㄢˇ ㄒㄨㄣˊ ㄓㄣˋ ㄗㄨㄢˇ ㄔㄨㄣ
- 䡅的部首:車部
- 䡅的笔画:10画
- 䡅的笔顺:一丨フ一一一丨ノ丨丨
- 笔顺读写:横竖折横横横竖撇竖竖
- 䡅字中文解释:
- 英文翻译:something used to bind the frame work in a cart (compartment) of old times, (same as 輴) a hearse;
𧴲(suo,suǒ) 軎(wei,wèi) 軏(yue,yuè) 軐(xin xian,xìn xiàn) 軑(dai,dài) 軒(xuan,xuān) 軓(fan gui,fàn guǐ) 軔(ren,rèn) 軕(shan,shān) 䡅(min xian xun zhen zu,mǐn xiǎn xún zhèn zuǎn chūn) 𨊧(gong,gōng) 𨊰(qi,qì) 𨊱(yu,yú) 釕(liao liao,liǎo liào) 釖(dao,dāo) 釗(zhao,zhāo) 釘(ding ding,dīng dìng) 釙(po,pō)